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An internship I was thinking for applying for a few weeks ago had a list of questions that you were supposed to chose a few from to discuss in lieu of a cover letter. I ended up missing the deadline to apply, which was a bummer because I hate writing cover letters and they gave me the opportunity not to write one. One of the questions on the list was "Describe your perfect Sunday", and while it intrigued me, I didn't know what mine looked like.

That's a question that I haven't had an answer to for the last four years. Every Sunday for the last four years I have been stressed out about what I haven't done yet or what I should be doing to prepare for the coming week. Even the best Sundays I've had haven't been perfect. Today was no different. I woke up, had a wonderful brunch with the people who lived on my floor freshman year, spent some time at Target with Luke, and then came home to think about homework. I didn't actually do much homework.

In fact, I did the bare minimum, which will most definitely come back to bite me in the butt this coming week. But each and every second I wasn't doing homework today was still filled with the dread that I should be doing homework. There are a lot of things that I am going to miss about college. There are a lot of reasons I don't want to leave Augustana (now, or really ever). But I know for certain that I cannot wait to have a "perfect Sunday" come graduation time.

I want to wake up at 10 o'clock to the sound of Luke softly whistling. I want to eat brunch with my friends and family and then cuddle all of my friend's and family's cute puppies and kitties. I want to watch the Vikings destroy all of their opponents while eating dessert and drinking a diet coke with the window open so I can feel a soft breeze while I'm cuddled underneath a blanket. I want to make a delicious supper and eat a delicious supper and then put the dishes in a dishwasher (yes, I fantasize about having a dishwasher—fight me). I want to read a good book while laying in a warm hammock and watch an episode of one of my favorite shows. I want to do so many things and also I want to do nothing at all.

But most importantly, I want Sunday to be a day when I don't have to think about homework.


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