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40 things in 40 days.

Commencement is 40 days away. Here are 40 things I have to do before then:

1. Write this blog

2. Write 39 other blogs.

3. Write (probably) 39 million cover letters in hopes of finding a job.

4. Sign a lease for one of the apartments I viewed so I have a place to live. 5. Find a place to live for June if the place I want to live doesn't have an opening until July.

6. Make a finals to-do list.

7. Do all those school things I have to do.

8. Look at memes.

9. Cry.

10. Go grocery shopping.

11. Cry again.

12. Submit a yearbook spread.

13. Submit 74 other yearbook spreads.

14. Find a dress to wear for graduation.

15. Find shoes that aren't high heels that match said dress so that I don't trip up the stage at graduation.

16. Get my hair cut.

17. Dye my hair.

18. Pluck (or wax) my eyebrow hairs.

19. Develop a better skincare routine.

20. Actually stick to that skincare routine.

21. Go grocery shopping again.

22. Burn the CNP banner (we ain't no sisters of the traveling pants).

23. Cry about burning the CNP banner.

24. Do approximately 24 loads of laundry.

25. Pack all my clothes.

26. Pack all my books.

27. Pack all my tears.

28. Pack all my hopes and dreams when none of those 39 million cover letters resulted in a job.

29. Try not to pack all of the unnecessary things I've hoarded over the past four years.

30. Listen to Shania Twain's new album so I can sing along at her concert during finals week.

31. Calculate how few points I need to get in my biology class to get at least a C- (or what I like to call satisfactory on the satisfactory/unsatisfactory scale)

32. Sort the tupperware at CNP so that all of us have some.

33. Drink all of the alcohol at CNP so we don't fight about who gets what and end up resenting each other after we move away.

34. Cry some more.

35. Stay up-to-date on Grey's Anatomy and New Girl.

36. Probably start to binge a new show because I definitely have time for it.

37. Buy a dresser. And probably an end table so I'm classy AF.

38. Cry even more.

39. Write some papers and take some tests.

40. Go to graduation practice so that they let me graduate.


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