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It's time that we talk about Gilmore Girls

It has taken me 91 blogs to talk about Gilmore Girls. That's almost a sin. But lately I have been watching a lot of Gilmore Girls, so I figured it's about time to talk about it too. I got a bit burned out on it for awhile. Not because it isn't amazing but because I watched it so many times in a row. I am not burnt out on it anymore. In fact, I kinda wish I still was because right now I am much more apt to watch an episode or eight of Gilmore Girls instead of writing the twelve cover letters I need to write or submit the seventy-five edda spreads I need to submit.

Now, it is not infrequent that I see a tweet or two about Gilmore Girls on my timeline here and there. I follow enough people who watch it that it is not out of the ordinary. Today I stumbled across a tweet by Ant Simpson that said "Imagine the Gilmore Girls discussing which wire to cut on a bomb" and it made me think about all of the things I wish I could see Lorelai and (original series) Rory discuss (revival Rory is a whole other topic for another time).

Here's 7 things I wish I could have seen the Gilmore Girls discuss:

1. A TV show like This is Us

Would they mock it? Would they love it? Would they mock it AND love it? I love to imagine the dialogue when Lorelai realizes there are different time lines and her being angry about it and then Rory having to talk her down--explaining that the concept isn't all the difficult once you get used to it. Plus, I mean, I need to see Rory falling in love with adult Milo

2. One Direction Solo Careers

Lorelai and Rory go see Dunkirk. Lorelai hates it; Rory appreciates the cinematography. Lorelai notes that the only good thing about it was that handsome Harry fella. They launch into a discussion about One Direction and what they're all doing now. They talk about buying tickets to see Niall in concert. Kirk pops up out of nowhere with tickets and a story about how he helped build the stage Louis performed on during the X-Factor premiere of Just Hold On. Luke asks something about one of the Backstreet Boys, unable to differentiate boy bands.

3. The H E L L that is cover letters

Lorelai reading them for potential Dragonfly Inn employees. Rory (the failed journalist that she is in the revival) writing them every other episode. Lorelai making fun of the people who are trying to market themselves while remaining professional and also interesting. Rory realizing it's impossible to market yourself while remaining professional and also interesting.

4. The "If you don't love me at my, then you don't deserve me at my" meme in context of their failed relationships


if you then

didnt you dont

love me deserve me

at my at my

5. Carrie Fisher's death

Now, don't get me wrong. I like to think about the fact that General Organa is gone as little as I can, but I think they would have many a good thing to say and I think it would make me cry both happy and sad tears.

6. The Donald Trump presidency

Gilmore Girls has hated trump since season two:

They also have fond things to say about Hillary throughout the entire show. I want to see a montage of them throughout the 2016 election, during the inauguration, and throughout the presidency.

7. Amazon's Alexa

Picture this: Rory and Lorelai give Emily an Echo for Christmas and then she calls Lorelai because they failed to explain the concept of it to her. They have to make a trip to convince her Alexa isn't her maid. Enough said.

I'm glad the revival was done. I liked (most of) it. And I don't know if I would necessarily want any more revival episodes even if the cast and ASP agreed to it. But I would love to see these conversations play out. The Gilmore Girls know how to talk like none other.


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