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I have not had trouble finding inspiration for blogs lately. In fact, the blogs I've written throughout the last week or two have been some of the easiest and most fun blogs I've written since I started blogging daily. But I have been staring at a blinking cursor for the past twenty minutes--getting distracted by anything and everything possible--wondering what on earth I should blog about today.

Should I blog about the biology exam I have tomorrow? I could take that in several directions: it's on human physiology, so I could relate it to Grey's Anatomy somehow, I haven't started studying yet, so I could explore why I procrastinate so much, or I could talk about how I am planning on S/Uing (Augie's version of Pass/Fail--you have to get a "satisfactory" grade of a C- to get the credit) the class so I might as well not study because I can probably pull an alright grade out either way.

Should I blog about my 5-7 page midterm paper I have to write by Tuesday morning? I haven't started actually writing, but I've started some research for my external sources which are interesting. I could turn it into a social justice rant about how when you stay silent in situations of injustice you, by default, are on the side of the oppressor (the character in Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day, Stevens, loyally serves a Nazi sympathizer, and I plan to argue that by doing so, he is a Nazi sympathizer, too).

Should I blog about how to be finished with the yearbook by the time I graduate, I need to submit 1.64 spreads per day? Should I blog about not knowing where I'm going to be living in 2 months? Should I blog about not knowing where--or if--I'll have a job in 2 months? Should I blog about the anime Luke is watching right now? I can't blog about the anime Luke is watching right now... I'm too far away to read the subtitles and he's about 150 episodes into a series that I haven't seen any of.

I guess I just blogged about a little bit of everything. Now I need to stop blogging so that I can study for biology and write a paper and submit two yearbook spreads and set up apartment viewings and apply for jobs (I'll probably wait until tomorrow to ask Luke to explain his anime to me, though. It's called time management--look it up).


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