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Station 19 Premiere

Scandal is ending this year after seven seasons on the air.

Because Shonda is a workaholic, she obviously had to start a new show.

That show is Station 19. Station 19 premiered last night.

Here's 71 thoughts I had while watching it (THIS IS YOUR SPOILER WARNING):

  • They're doing the Meredith voiceover thing but it's not Mer

  • Firefighting gear looks heavy

  • "Wet stuff on the red stuff" should be every fire station's motto

  • Is "Wet stuff on the red stuff" a common saying? Am I the only one who hasn't heard it before?

  • Charlie is going to be a cat

  • Ah, just kidding. A dog.

  • Charlie the puppy is A-Okay so THANK GOD

  • I am already in love with the man who called dibs on the puppy.

  • I am already in love with all the men (except maybe the old guy with the mustache--jury is still out on him)

  • I wouldn't like the baby Rambo story either

  • and there's a kiss with some tongue. 8 minutes in--impressive even for a Shondaland show.

  • AND A RING. She's definitely not the girl in the bar.

  • JK, She's NOT into the ring. Maybe she is a girl in the bar.

  • Yup. Andy is a badass.

  • Commercials suck.

  • Mustache man is down. And there's smoke in the room. I see Shonda hasn't lost her flare for the dramatics. Obviously going to be our ticket into the cross over episodes

  • Why isn't Ben there? it's the perfect chance for them to call him new guy as he still tries to be a surgeon

  • Obviously having to jump out of a burning building under those circumstances isn't ideal, but it looks a little fun

  • OOOOOH. Mer and Bailey make their first appearance

  • As much as I like their appearance, I don't like the little flashy thing (it's like a bad version of Scandal's camera clicks)

  • Man that screaming match is rivaling even fetus Mer/Der post-Addison's arrival fights

  • Is this the same closet that Maggie and Jackson were making out in last hour?

  • How much crossover is there going to be?

  • Am I going to fall in love with them like I fell in love with the Private Practice cast?

  • Ah, shit. I'm going to have to start watching another show aren't I?


  • I bet her fridge didn't break this week because her fridge has food in it

  • Andy ranting about her world falling apart but then saying that everything's great is me @ college

  • Miranda Bailey being frank with Ben Warren and then Miranda Bailey getting soft with Ben Warren and THEN Miranda Bailey making Ben Warren laugh is a beautiful thing to watch

  • The blonde olympic woman sort of reminds me of Jennifer Jareau in a comforting friend kinda way, but the whole exercise thing is going to get old as fast as insanity did (very fast)

  • That alarm blaring is going to interrupt so many important conversations

  • If you're not going to overlook her why don't you just let her do it because SHE is clearly more qualified than YOU, good looking sir.

  • "I don't speak fire nerd yet, but I want to" oh, Benjamin Warren.

  • Holy guacamole I want that steak

  • Just whatever you do, don't "let go" of the pole, Andy.

  • Ohhhhh, shit. It's two hours?

  • is that LONDON TIMPTON? talking about orgasms???

  • Aaaaaaaw I love Tuck

  • I miss you, George

  • His baby blue eyes would probably work on me

  • "it's a little messed up we're this excited about a fire" "yeah, it is... that's my son's school" OKAY BEN WARREN DON'T ACT LIKE YOU'VE NEVER BEEN EXCITED ABOUT A COOL SURGERY AT THE EXPENSE OF SOMEBODY ELSE

  • Tuck pulling the fire alarm is reminding me of when he punched the kid in daycare.

  • I miss you, George

  • SO is it Tuck's baby, orrrrr?

  • Okay, it's not Tuck's baby.

  • The high school boyfriend/cop man has much more chemistry with Andy than baby blue eyes

  • Andy. Have more confidence in your leading ability (see bullet point 14)

  • I've never seen that before, either, and I've seen every episode of Grey's.

  • Roseanne is pretty much the last old show on earth that I'd want new episodes of. (except maybe Seinfeld.)

  • I'm so glad principal mom reacted in a nice way

  • "Especially not your mom"

  • I'm not here for all of this sad widower talk but I am also so here for all of this sad widower talk

  • "you did the delivery guy, didn't you?" "it was grief sex, and that's different" *insert laugh-crying emoji

  • still not here for the flashy things.

  • I would not be telling my ex-girlfiend/woman who turned down my proposal days ago that I'm here for friendly competition. Things gonna get ugly in an episode or two

  • Ben is me when I'm ready to go to sleep

  • "he's a big baby" "did you just call me slim shady?"

  • is the vegan-stir fry guy gonna date the driver of the car accident guy

  • ah, yes, invisible fire. Shondaland making sure I know of every possible worst case scenario that could ever happen to anyone anywhere

  • At least we know it's too early for any main characters to die

  • it IS too early for any main characters to die, right?


  • I'm going to assume these are drills, but it looks mighty silly and I am uncomfortable laughing because they're in a very bad situation

  • Driving into that fire seems like quite a stupid idea

  • I guess it wasn't a stupid idea

  • Mustache man returns

  • Mustache man kind of reminds me of Richard, so I think it's going to be a fatherly type of love instead of a silver fox type of love

  • OH. It was I'm a little teapot short and stout, not drills. I did not understand. It's been a long day.

  • I hope Tuck keeps being in this show. I love Tuck

  • London Timpton is back and it's quite the dramatic ending

  • Bonus: scenes from next week affirm my prediction that things get ugly between Andy and blue eyes in an episode or two


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