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The Inevitable Viewing of This is Us

I have a lot of posters in my room at my parent's house... like, a lot. Most notably: a six foot tall poster of Niall Horan. When I was getting ready to go to college my parents and my sister and my friends and pretty much any person who had stepped a foot in my room told me not to bring those posters to college.

Basically, they were afraid that if people knew the depth of my love for The Hunger Games and One Direction I would never make any friends. I was afraid, too. So I didn't bring my posters. I only showed my new friends freshmen the very tip of the iceberg that is my life as a fangirl.

Fast forward three years. I'm a senior. I have lots of casual friends and a few very good ones. I'm pretty content with it. And in no way whatsoever do I wish I had different friends. I do, however, wonder how my life would be different had I brought those posters--especially after last night.

Last night I hung out with a couple friends--Taylor and Eliana--who made every single feeling I've ever had about One Direction valid. For a few weeks we've been trying to plan a night where the three of us could get some champagne and snacks and watch the masterpiece that is One Direction's movie, This is Us.

From the second we sat down and started talking, we were basically Harry in this scene:

We had to pause and restart and rewind time and time again because once we got going there was tangent after tangent about shared stories and experiences and tangents and rants and did you evers and concert stories and let me tell you it was one of the most glorious things that has ever happened.

You see, I've never really had any "One Direction Friends" besides my cousin, Morgan. Morgan and I had several chats into the late hours of the night talking about One Direction. But throughout high school and college, most of my friends have only tolerated them because they know that me and the boys are a package deal.

Last night for the first time people understood everything from the best 1D girlfriends to the sadness I feel thinking about Louis' mom and Harry's step-dad dying to the best and worst parts of being in the fandom. Last night there was an agreement that Teenage Dirtbag was clearly the best part in the theatre because of the 3D. Last night I wasn't the only one who had done some pretty cringe-worthy things for a band. We decided it was probably good we grew up in three different states; if not, we'd probably have made some bullies in high school pretty happy.

Last night, instead of people looking at me like I'm crazy when I talk about that awful day Zayn left, Taylor and Eliana told me their own horror stories. I didn't have to explain how I loved Zayn when he was in One Direction, but how the sense of betrayal I felt when he left and lied isn't something I can just get over so that I can listen to his newest single. They just got it. They just got me.

"And this... Is why... One Direction friendships are the best friendships in the world... I'll show ya"

Here's a few of my favorite parts of the movie:

As the night was winding down we talked about how we'd have to hang out again soon. Questioned how we could possibly find the time to watch the video diaries and the adventures of one direction and every music video and 1D Day clips before we graduate in May. Why hadn't we started this tradition sooner? And so, last night got me thinking. What would my life be if I had brought that six foot tall Niall poster to my dorm freshman year.


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