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50 Shades of Blogs

I want to start this blog off by saying that I believe Twilight is trash, and thus, although I've never read nor saw anything in the 50 Shades of Grey series, because it is basically Twilight smut, it's probably trash, too.

I used a lot of commas in that sentence. I also have written a lot of blogs. Fifty of them to be exact (if you include this one, and don't include the one I wrote last year when I set up this portfolio in hopes of getting an internship so that I could graduate). Either way, I guess, if you don't include this one but do include that one you get to 50.

Fifty blogs is a lot of blogs. When I started doing this, my mom thought I was only doing it for the month of January. When I was home during Interim break, she said, "are you excited to be done with your blogs?" Since I still had 334 to go, I wasn't too excited at that point.

I still have 315 blogs to go. Which is crazy. Some days I don't know why I decided to do this. My mom, at the end of January, suggested I go back to my very first post and edit it to say that I was going to blog every day for a month. Some days I wish I had taken her suggestion.

But I do still think that blogging every day is a good idea. I think it makes me a better writer and thinker and person. And 50 feels like some sort of milestone. If I can do 50, nothing is realistically stopping me from doing 365. Here's to that!


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