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Sigma Tau Delta

I am a member of Sigma Tau Delta, the national English honor society. I basically did it because I wanted to wear the cords at graduation. The biggest commitment for being in STD--the motto of which is to "practice safe punctuation"--is the emails the national chapter of the club sends me every so often.

But today I participated in STD's main event of the year: the readathon. From 9-5 in Siverson Lounge, a bunch of cool people who love books are taking turns reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in its entirety. I even got a free copy of the book! If you're on campus, I highly suggest heading there for a bit to eat a delicious donut and have HP read to you. It's truly wonderful.

Sophie and I read together. It was glorious. We got the part where Hagrid comes to tell Harry that he's a wizard. So, while one of the best parts of the book is over, there's still time to enjoy. If you can't make it, here's a few pictures I took while I was there:


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