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Twelfth Night

I've never really liked Shakespeare. You could try to convince me otherwise, but it'd probably be a waste of your time. It's not that I don't respect his writing and understand that he's one of the best, I just don't really think it's any fun to read.

When I was a freshman, the first non-intro English class I took at Augie was an overview of world literature with Sandra Goddess Looney. We read Twelfth Night, and it was the first time I had ever enjoyed Shakespeare even a little bit.

Now, as a senior, I'm taking an entire class dedicated to Shakespeare with Sandra Goddess Looney, and I have to read Twelfth Night again. And while I don't believe I'll ever read Shakespeare for fun, I do enjoy this play more than most of his other works.

Especially because it was the inspiration for one of the greatest movies of all time: She's the Man. Here's some of my favorite moments from one of my favorite movies:

"Okay, why do you have tampons in your boot?" "I, uh, get really bad nose bleeds?"

"When I close my eyes I see you for what you truly are... which is UG-LY."

"Viola, darling. Remember, chew like you have a secret"

"I can do this... I am a dude."

"Do you... like, cheese?" "I sure do! Gouda's my favorite!"

...and last but not least: any time Channing Tatum was shirtless


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