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Me, as New Girl characters, an old Twitter thread:

If you've stuck with my blog until this point, I'm assuming you know that I get a little obsessed, er, well, passionate about things. One of those things is New Girl. It's an amazing tv show. If you haven't watched it, do. If you have watched it, go read my blog with predictions for the final season.

I am not above the shameless self-plug.

I am also not above using things I have written before as the majority of the content for the occasional blog post when I'm lazy or uninspired.

Today is one of those days. I am both lazy AND uninspired. So, I am going to share with you the reasons why I could pretty much be any of the characters on new girl via GIFs and descriptors of the characters; these are parts of a twitter thread months ago when I was bored. And I'm pretty proud of them mainly because I find them really funny. You may or may not find them funny, but you've made it this far so you might as well keep on going:

Jessica Day

-many emotions (especially about puppies)

-enjoys reading and learning

-feminist AF

-glasses a bit too big

-will be in love with Nick Miller for the rest of my life

And even though I'm in love with Nick Miller, I also sort of am...

Nick Miller

-moonwalks away from problems

-writer who sometimes hates writing

-hates pants and people

-doesn't know how to emotion or adult successfully

I could keep going with Nick Miller GIFs for all of eternity, so onto...

Winston Bishop

-sleep (enough said)

-a little bit too obsessed w/ furry friends

-comfortable w/ being weird af

-loves a good prank

You can't have a Winston and CeCe mess-around without...

CeCe Parekh

-protects her friends with her life

-puts on a fierce face even when life is falling apart

-doesn't really know what she's doing at first but finds her way

-tells it how it is

and finally,

Winston Schmidt

-common first name apparently

-unapologetically who he is

-obnoxiously angry at everything all of the time

There you have it, folks.


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