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So many things

There are too many things on my mind right now. So many things happened today. I'm gonna tell you just a little bit about each of them.

We had ten people view our house and then a few hours later 5 of them came back. I hope that means they decided to actually sign the lease. I watched one of them snapchat the spiral staircase. That's the thing that got us to sign the lease. You see, I don't really care who lives in this house next year.

Camp No Pants will always have a special place in my heart. I have many good memories here with my best friends. But also we have to shove scarfs in one of the living room windows so that there isn't a breeze from the South Dakota winters that you can feel from our couch. And we can only open the stove to a 45 degree angle before it hits the refrigerator. No matter how many times you mop the dining room floor it feels sticky and no matter how much sticky tack I use, all of my posters fall off my bedroom wall.

It's a shitty house, but I will miss it. I won't miss the hounds of college students our landlord has paraded through here for the last several weeks trying to convince them to give him their money.

I also finished Private Practice, the show I've been loyally watching for the last month or so. It was beautiful. I was actually going to blog about it today, but decided I should let me thoughts settle so that I can write a more well-rounded blog on it later. Look out for it, or don't--but it's going to happen at some point.

It was also the Super Bowl. Even though they destroyed my beloved Vikings, I decided to root for the Eagles. Their fans are despicable but I found it pretty easy to cheer for the actual team. I love an underdog story and if I take my glasses off I can almost pretend Foles and Ertz are Keenum and Diggs.

Plus, with the exception of the Packers, I would probably cheer for anybody over Belichick and Brady. The commercials were pretty good. I love David Harbour. After watching Eli Manning and O'dell Beckham Jr. do the Dirty Dancing life, I can officially die happily.

It was all around a pretty good game. There was excitement. There was guacamole. I snuggled under my Vikings blanket. There were lots of good memes. I can't complain.

I can complain, however, about This is Us. For the last week or so, I've been telling anybody who will listen that I'm glad the Vikings weren't in the Super Bowl because they would either A) Win, causing me to get excited only to settle down and be rekt by the love of my life Milo Ventimiglia die, or B) Lose, causing me to be rekt by the Vikings only to turn around and be rekt again by Milo.

I didn't get rekt by the Vikings (well, at least this week), but I definitely got rekt'd by This is Us. I really don't have any other words for it.

Here's a GIF that sums it up:


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