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Quiz Bowl

This weekend I am going on a trip to Northfield, Minnesota. What is in Northfield? Carleton College? What is at Carleton College? Not the water bottle that my roommate and Augustana University Quiz Bowl Co-President Sophie stole from a class room last time we were there.

Quiz Bowl is currently in its third year as a club on campus, and will probably end next year when 90% of the members graduate and move away. We don't do a whole lot. The only official "practice" we've had just ended in us watching Parks & Rec on Netflix.

BUT, we do go to Carleton College's competition. Or, we went last year and plan to go again this weekend--even if we did lose to a one-man team last year.

There can only be four people actually competing at the same time in Quiz Bowl, and last year five of us went. I nominated myself to be team mom and designated photographer (I'll do anything for a good yearbook spread).

While I spent a round or two answering solely pop culture questions, most of my time was spent taking photos and updating the AUQB twitter. Those photos turned into a spread in last year's--award winning--yearbook.

And while I might be a little bit biased because each person on the spread is my friend, I think it turned out pretty great:

I know the story is a little bit hard to read, so here's the Q&A on the spread:

Q: What made you and Hannah decide to start a Quiz Bowl Team?

A: "Hannah and I bonded over our shared nerdiness and when Jeffrey—who we had as a prof that year—mentioned that Augie used to have a quiz bowl team, we took it as a challenge to restart it and gain more nerdy friends."

- Sophie Geister-Jones '18

Q: As a second-year club, how do you feel Quiz Bowl has moved forward this year as an organization?

A: "I feel like we have recruited some really good people this year. The problem with college organizations is that when really strong leadership leaves, it is extremely difficult to continue the organization unless you have awesome people younger than you to take the reins. This year, we have seen some really great underclassmen join Quiz Bowl, and it makes me really hopeful for next year!"

- Hannah Norem '18

Q: What is your most memorable experience at a Quiz Bowl Event?

A: "Eating beef jerky in Sophie's grandma's basement before our tournament at Carleton was my most memorable experience."

- Lucas Praeuner '18

Q: Why is Quiz Bowl the best club on campus?

A: "AUQB is quite possibly the best club on campus in that it is the only one to commit to fulfillment of all five core values. No other club builds community, encourages excellence, acknowledges the liberal arts, fosters service or references Dietrich Bonhoeffer more than Quiz Bowl."

- Rob Haggar '18

Q: What is the best question you've heard during your time in Quiz Bowl?

A: "I can only remember that the first question of my Quiz Bowl career was about The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt! The best part was after when I saw that Augie Quiz Bowl had tweeted my reaction of 'Quiz Bowl has POP CULTURE?!?'"

- Sara Birhe '20

Q: What is the best part about being involved with Quiz Bowl?

A: "It combines trivia and competition!! Those are both such fun things! What could be better?"

- Kaatje Weiland '20

Q: Finally, what is the most interesting fact you have learned at a Quiz Bowl competition?

A: "Leslie Knope always shows up? Hannah's Texas accent shows up when she's pulled over by cops? Idk. I don't actually pay attention. I just make the playlists for the road trips."

- Sophie Geister-Jones '18

A: "Sophie is dangerously good at answering questions about Inside Out."

- Hannah Norem '18

A: "My favorite fact I learned at Quiz Bowl is likely that Sophie, Luke and Taylor exist (I knew of Hannah previously)."

- Rob Haggar '18

If you want to see more of the spreads I've worked on during my time on the Augustana Edda staff, click here. And if you want to follow AUQB's twitter to receive an annoying amount of updates this weekend, click here.


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