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Why am I doing this?

Sometimes I find myself why I'm writing this blog. If I think about it--really think about it--I know that it is because the more I write the better writer I will be and the better writer I am the more successful I will be and the more successful I am *hopefully* the happier I will be.

But sometimes I don't really think about it. Sometimes I ask myself why am I doing this? And I don't have an answer. Sometimes I just want to let Netflix keep playing the next episode or I want to play a game with my roommates or I want to read.

Sometimes I don't want to write.

Even though I know I should.

So, here's "I do not want to write this blog" written in the top 25 most spoken languages in the world:

Mandarin (entire branch): 我不想寫這個博客

Spanish: No quiero escribir este blog

English: I do not want to write this blog

Hindi: मैं इस ब्लॉग को लिखना नहीं चाहता

Arabic: أنا لا أريد أن أكتب هذه المدونة

Portuguese: Eu não quero escrever este blog

Bangla: আমি এই ব্লগটি লিখতে চাই না

Russian: Я не хочу писать этот блог

Japanese: 私はこのブログを書いたくない

Punjabi: ਮੈਂ ਇਹ ਬਲੌਗ ਲਿਖਣਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਚਾਹੁੰਦਾ ਹਾਂ

German: Ich möchte diesen Blog nicht schreiben

Javanese: Aku ora pengin nulis blog iki

WU (e.g. Shanghainese): 我不想写这个博客

Malay (incl. Malaysian and Indonesian): Saya tidak mahu menulis blog ini

Telugu: ఈ బ్లాగును వ్రాయడం నాకు ఇష్టం లేదు

Vietnamese: Tôi không muốn viết blog này

Korean: 나는이 블로그를 쓰고 싶지 않다.

French: Je ne veux pas écrire ce blog

Marathi: मी हा ब्लॉग लिहू इच्छित नाही

Tamil: நான் இந்த வலைப்பதிவை எழுத விரும்பவில்லை

Urdu: میں اس بلاگ کو نہیں لکھنا چاہتا

Turkish: Bu blog yazmak istemiyorum

Italian: Non voglio scrivere questo blog

Thai: ฉันไม่ต้องการเขียนบล็อกนี้

Gujarati: હું આ બ્લોગ લખવા માંગતો નથી

Full disclaimer: the only language I am fluent in is English. Other than that I only know a small amount of Spanish and a large amount of sarcasm. I also know I am sometimes an unknowingly ignorant white person. I have always been fascinated with language and the power of words, and although idea for this blog came from a place of procrastination and writer's block, I also had a lot of fun looking into other languages--researching about the places languages that I was unfamiliar with are spoken, looking at their alphabets. That being said, I looked up the most spoken languages on Wikipedia and then translated with Google so this is not the most scholarly approach possible. If you know a better translation, or if you think there is something important that I forgot or misrepresented, I am very open to constructive criticisms.


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