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Thanks, Friends.

I'm the editor-in-chief of Augie's yearbook this year. It has been quite wonderful so far. I get to do a lot of work with design which is one of my very favorite things in the world. I get to take photographs and edit the writing of my very talented classmates. I get a credit card that says "Augustana University" on it and it makes me feel like a big shot even if the only thing I ever buy is Little Caesars $5 pizza and scotcharoos from Hyvee.

I also get paid quite a lot of money for something that I would probably do for free--or at least for the resume builder. But there is one thing that beats the money and the food Augie pays for and the hours I get to lose myself in design (no Adobe pun intended): the people.

I often joke about how I only have +/-4 friends, three of whom live with me. But working on this staff has multiplied that number tremendously. I get to work with an EXCEPTIONAL group of people. Every Wednesday I spend two hours with people who make me want to be a better human, and who make life as a human suck much less. Each person on my staff is so talented, and if--by some life-altering experience--they weren't as talented as they are, they would surely make up for it with heart and hard work.

Over interim I have spent a lot of time making spreads as perfect as they can humanly be to go off to publication, and time and time again I am thankful to have such a wonderful, beautiful, talented group of people who make my job so easy. So I wanted to take a little time to tell each of them thank you.

Buckle up, folks:

To my steadfast graphic designer, Wyatt: thank you for always making the crazy things in my brain visible on paper. The amount of times you have completely started something over because I am a picky perfectionist is almost ridiculous. If I had all of the money in the world you would surely be given a sum large enough for you to buy all of the shitty DVDs your little heart desires. Thank you for challenging my perspectives to make the book better and for smiling when you probably want to stab me.

To the fierce, firey redhead, Olivia: your dedication to this book amazes me every time I think about it. For having so little experience with journalism before you started editing Venture, your talent astounds me. If I looked at your spreads without knowing your background, I would assume you had been studying journalism since you were in high school. You are always willing to help out with anything that anybody needs, and I appreciate it so very much.

To her partner-in-crime and my successor in the Student Life section, Chloe: your natural talent for design amazes me each time I look at one of your spreads. Whenever you smile at me from across the room and tell me you have another story for me, my week is made before I even hear it. From day one you have jumped into Edda and given it your all, and I thank you for that.

To THE cutest human I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, Kaatje: your kindness will get you so far in life. From the beginning of the year when your Monarch was being as stupid as Monarch gets to each week that followed, your patience and diligence in making A+ spreads has inspired me. Thank you agreeing to be in my presence every week. Your instagram feed is as artistic as the beautiful spreads in the art section you work so hard on.

To my righthand-woman, Shi: from the time we started coediting the Student Life section last year, we have been creatively in sync. And in my opinion, we make some really wonderful things together. Thank you for being flexible and helping teach the newbies your ways. Thank you for making sure every spacing and font and color is correct all of the time so that I don't have to make so many edits and for getting creative on spreads that might otherwise be boring. Thank you for smiling all of the time. Your smile makes me want to smile.

To the forever put-together, Alana: thank you for stepping up. You are always willing to do what needs to be done. Your work ethic and drive for excellence makes me envious. Week in and week out you show up at work night and focus one hundred percent of your effort on making your spreads amazing, even when the rest of us are doing anything but Edda. Thank you so much for all of your hard work.

To the one I started it all with, Anna: from the time I was an awkward sophomore and you were a confident freshman to the time I am an awkward senior and you are a confident junior, I am so glad we've stuck this out together--Brittany Spears uber rides and minors group chat included. You dedicate yourself so completely to everything you do and manage to somehow do it all well. Thank you for making us all laugh, amirite ladies?

To the one who puts Edda before her own personal safety on the football sidelines, Tabby: Edda simply would not be the same without you sitting at those desktop computers. The way you can turn nothing into something makes me smile from ear to ear. Thank you for making the impossible sports section seem more manageable. Your positive energy and powerful prowess makes me proud to know you.

To the kitty-bearing Katelyn: thank you for being unapologetically you. And thank you for that Spongebob poster you made at the beginning of the year. It will live on in my soul forever. Your ideas for the Edda are endlessly fascinating and so are all of your other stories. I'll welcome your cuddly cats in the Edda office any time--even if they make me break out in hives.

To my wonderfully weird roommate, Sophie: I'm gonna be straight up. You signing up for Edda had me worried. I didn't know what to expect, especially knowing if you didn't sign up for Edda you wouldn't have the 124 credits you need to graduate. It's often not good when people only sign up for the credit. Plus, I know us. We're slackers ;). But you have gone above and beyond and far exceeded every single expectation I had. You put in the needed work until you are content with the final outcome, and I am always content with that result. Thank you for being you. I wouldn't want to hear anybody else screaming or swearing or moaning or squealing from the living room while I try to fall asleep at night. Come home soon please.

I also need to give a HUGE thank you to those of you who are not section editors, but have nonetheless worked so hard to help so far this year. Thank you. A yearbook is a group effort, and you make this group what it is. I am so glad each and every one of you has been part of the staff this year. Your work does not go unnoticed and I hope you feel as valued as you are.

And finally, to the real fearless leader of our book. Master Janet, thank you for making me a better journalist, a better EiC, and a better human. Even though there was that one time I had a stress dream that you were going to yell at me during your Ethics and Law of the Press lecture because I was doing so terribly, you constantly encourage me to make the Edda the best it can be. You are a soundboard for all of my ideas--good and bad. And you bring me Diet Coke. There is no other human being I would want to be my advisor.

I have been working on yearbooks since my junior year of high school, and it is crazy to know that in a few short months that is going to end. If you want to check out some of the things I've done during my past two years on the Edda staff click here.


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