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Ignore this if you don't like sappy things

It's easy to focus on all of the terrible things that are happening in our world, but today I am going to try to focus on the good. Nothing particularly special happened today--I didn't win a million dollars or meet Niall Horan or eat Raising Cane's like my roommate Khiah did. But I did have a good day. And I want to keep thinking about that good day, so here's ten things that happened today that I'm thankful did:

1. During my photography class critique today, one of my classmates presented her project and it was 14 glorious photos of potatoes. On one of the first days of class, my professor was giving us our guidelines for interim and she said something along the lines of "I honestly don't care what you take photos of; you can take portraits, you can tell a story, you can focus on a light or a shape or a color, you could even take photos of potatoes if you want." So my classmate did. And it was beautiful.

2. When I was walking home after class, the cutest little old man--who, I'm assuming was on campus practicing music based on the music instrument case in his hand--I have ever seen stopped me and with a huge smile on his face said, "I love your sweatshirt!" It was the best gift the Huskers have ever given me.

3. I've been super busy this week and I haven't seen as much of Luke as I normally do, so I am thankful that I got to eat lunch with him today. He is pretty neat.

4. When I met with Janet for an afternoon of yearbook editing, the first thing she did when she sat down was pull a Diet Coke out of her purse and hand it to me. I am thankful for an advisor and professor who understands me and helps me be the best version of myself. And also puts up with a lot of my sass.

5. My sister. Although it was technically yesterday, she helped me write an awesome cover letter and resume for a job application and I am very thankful for that because last time I tried to write my own it was kind of a mess. I also am just thankful for her everyday without reason because she is the best human.

6. I am thankful for women supporting women and raising other strong women. I was scrolling through Twitter today, and I saw this tweet from Chyler Leigh (if you click the photo, it will take you to the ELLE Magazine tweet so you can listen to some inspiration from Zendaya):

7. Yesterday I wrote a blog about Grey's Anatomy returning, and boy did it return in an impactful way. The episode was titled 1-800-799-7223 to raise awareness for domestic violence--a key plot point in the episode. Although I know it's a bit biased because I follow a lot of people who enjoy Grey's, but today my social media feeds have been flooded with people offering support to those who have been involved in domestic violence.

8. I am thankful for people who donate to charities. John and Hank Green found a Bitcoin that somebody had given them years ago before it was worth anything. Today it was worth $15,000 and so they donated the money! Learn more below:

9. Today my roommate Khaih's boyfriend Derek came. I like Derek, but his being in Sioux Falls versus his being in Lincoln doesn't impact my life all that much. It does, however, impact Khiah's life. Khiah is happy that Derek is here, so I am happy that Derek is here because I like Khiah to be happy.

10. And finally, I am thank for you! Yes, you! Thank you for reading my blog everyday--or, at the very least, today. I appreciate you very much and I hope you have some things to be thankful for today, too.


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