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Today I realized that, despite writing a blog inspired by Shonda, I've never written about the love of my life: Grey's Anatomy.

When I was younger, I didn't have very strong feelings one way or another about the show. My sister watched it a lot, and when she went to college, my mom watched seasons 1-3 that we have on dvd and cried a lot--50% induced by missing my sister and 50% induced by people dying, probably. At many points in my life, I would forcefully hate something that my sister loved to be different and obnoxious, but Grey's was never one of those things. It simply existed. It was in the same world as me but on a different plane.

Then I started season one/episode one during Spring Break last year (this is when you ask: "how has she only been obsessively tweeting about this show for less than a year?"). And everything about my life changed. It went from a show that existed, to a show that I watched the entire first season of in a day, to a show that I couldn't stop thinking about. I haven't stopped thinking about it since. I quickly finished the thirteen seasons that were out. And yes, finals were rough.

Now season 14 is on tv and let me tell you waiting a week between episodes instead of the time it takes for Netflix to go from the credits to the intro is agonizing. Even more agonizing, though, was the mid-season break. I am not looking forward to the season finale. But tonight is the night. Tonight is the night that TGIT--Thank God it's Thursday for those of you who aren't a member of Shondaland--returns. And not only that, but a life-changing, patriarchy-slamming, clapping-to-myself-in-my-bedroom-it's-so-good interview with Ellen Pompeo was published yesterday. EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE HAS BEEN LEADING UP TO THIS BLOG, SO BUCKLE UP, FOLKS, IT'S GOING TO BE AN EXCITING RIDE (also if you're one of those people who dislikes spoilers and you haven't watched Grey's season 14 I'd stop five minutes ago).

The Best Moments of Grey's Anatomy Season 14 (so far):

(These are in no particular order. Picking 10 things is hard enough please do not make me rank things.)

Meredith winning a Harper Avery

Okay, so maybe this one is in order. You can't really top it. The 300th episode was overall one of the best episodes of Grey's, and I can think of no better way to celebrate it than Mer winning this award. The fact that she stayed in Seattle to help fake Cristina and fake George and fake Izzy solidifies what it means to Mer to be a doctor. She wants to save lives and she is dang good at doing so. Jackson's speech makes me cry every single time.

...And the drinking champagne with Alex and phoned-in-Cristina

These are a few of my favorite things. The only friendship in Grey's that can compete with Mer and Cristina is Mer and Alex. And the fact that they celebrated in the tunnel and the producers chose "Portions for Foxes" which played during the first ever episode gives me life.

Teddy's return

If Cristina isn't coming back Teddy is probably the next best thing. Her smile--and her friendship with Arizona--lights up my life.

Boats are nice all around

Whether it was Mer telling Alex she was talking to Derek or the guys hanging out shirtless for the day, everything about the scenes on boats this season was A+

Amelia doing the superhero pose before her brain surgery

Amelia did the superhero pose before she performed brain surgery on Nicole Herman during season 11 and then did it again before her own brain surgery. Could Shonda be any more ironic than giving Amelia, a world class brain surgeon, a brainless baby, a brain dead brother and a brain tumor. I don't think so.

Amelia being strong AF before her brain surgery

While I don't love that Amelia had a giant brain tumor, I think it was an amazing story line. From the way she told Maggie to Owen and Mer finding out, to saying "my mother didn't come for my wedding she doesn't get to come for my tumor" to making Deluca promise to push her in recovery, Amelia was (as shown above) a superhero. Also this interaction (on with Richard is everything:

Sophia's return

You might hate me a little bit after this, but I was never the biggest fan of Callie. She was a fine character for the most part, but whenever she was in relationships she turned into somebody I didn't like very much. I did, however, love Mark Sloan. And I love Arizona Robbins. So when Sophia got home and Arizona had three ice cream flavors like she talked about in her speech about Mark I was very invested.

Zola telling Maggie she wants to be a surgeon

Zola, on the other hand, has been a character I've been invested in since day one. She is amazing. And I am so glad she has been around more this season.

Here's a video about both of those things:

Megan and Farook's reunion

I still have many feelings that I am confused about when it comes to the whole Megan/Nathan/Meredith love triangle. While I somewhat enjoyed Mer and Nathan together before Megan's return, I think many of the points Mer made about Nathan needing to fight for Megan were valid. I also am extremely content with Mer being a badass surgeon and mother who don't need no man (except maybe Derek). *Que Arizona's Season 13 "That girl's heart beat for Derek Shepherd" the great love story speech* But despite all of that, Megan and Farook's reunion warmed my heart.

Alex's reaction to Jo and glasses

With Jo's HoCoPro, it's easy to forget that Jo and Alex were still estranged at the beginning of the season. When Jo slept with the new intern, nicknamed glasses, she told Ben and Alex overheard. While Jo thinks he's going to be upset, he busts out laughing in the most Alex-esque way. It's beautiful and wonderful and made me laugh just as hard as Alex

And now that this blog is done please excuse me while I wait until 7 o'clock.


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