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I graduate college in 124 days and after that I am going to have to get a big girl job. The prospect of getting a big girl job is scary. Less scary than it was last year before I had to get a big girl internship, but scary nonetheless--even with a loaded resume.

I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I don't know if I want to use my English major or my journalism major or totally ditch both of them and market my liberal arts education to apply for some job that has nothing to do with writing.

So, instead of actually searching for jobs like a normal person would do, I am writing a blog about a few of my dream jobs:

Social Media Manager for an Animal Shelter

I love animals. I love puppies and I love kitties. I love old dogs and I love old cats. I love pretty much anything I can cuddle and give neck scratches to. It breaks my heart when I see them in shelters. I would absolutely love to work at an animal shelter running their social media. It is an absolute dream to take photos of animals and write their stories to help them get adopted, to create videos of them playing, to blog about the importance of being a responsible pet owner.

Director of Communications for Augustana University

I have always loved Augie. I always will love Augie. It was pretty much the only college I ever thought about attending and I'm so glad it's the place I chose. It is going to be so very hard for me to leave in May. So it would pretty much be a dream if I got to come to campus every day without actually having to do homework; it's kinda like all the good parts of college without actually being in college.

YA Lit Author

I absolutely hate the idea that is popular in some literature circles that YA Lit is somehow lesser. Some of the best novels I have read have been YA, and if I were ever to write a novel, it would most definitely be that genre. I JUST WANT TO BE RAINBOW ROWELL, OKAY.

Photographer for the Minnesota Vikings

This one is a bit far fetched because I can barely take an in-focus photo of a completely still subject--sports photography is hard--but I pretty much just want to attend the Vikings game every Sunday. Also, their Instagram feed is amazing and inspires me to be a better photographer

Netflix Original Series Creator/Writer/Producer

Maybe it's just because my queen Shonda who inspired this whole blogging project signed on with them, but I would love to create my own world and see it come to life on Netflix. Unrelated: how would one mash up Stranger Things and Grey's Anatomy into one show--asking for a friend. Plus, with how much time I've spent on Netflix, I'd say it's about time they start giving back to me.

My grandpa always said it's who you know not what you know, so if you've got any contacts to get me a job on the list hook ya sister up!


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