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The Good 'Ol Days

If you've been around me in the past few months for an extended period of time, chances are you've heard me JAM to Macklemore and Kesha's hit "Good 'Ol Days." Not only am I generally an emotional person, but I'm about to graduate college and am quite literally living in what most would call the good 'ol days, AND there is a lyric about Minnesota, PLUS Kesha is an actual angel.

Today I watched a lot of Netflix, and Luke played a lot of video games. After supper, Luke asked if we should reverse roles--me playing video games and him watching tv. During our sophomore year, I bought Roller Coaster Tycoon on his Steam account and had a glorious time.

So, now, I'm going to reminisce about the good 'ol days and the other video games I used to play:

1. Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell

If you know me, you know I love a good mystery (remind me to blog about Criminal Minds sometime soon). This game--at least the little that I remember of it--was full of mystery and excitement and wonder.

2: Hotshot Business

I may have dropped my business major after one semester of accounting, but I could run a pretty high tech skate shop back in the day.

3: Crash Bandicoot: Warped

Don't get me wrong, I was all for CTR and would bet a heavy chunk of money that I could still own pretty much any opponent, but Crash Bandicoot: Warped was AMAZING. I mean, on one level you got to ride a tiger around a town, in the next you were weaving around floating bombs on a jetski, and on the next you were jumping over lava while a dinosaur chased you. How can you beat that?

4. Crazy Taxi

Playing this game in my cousin's basement on the dreamcast is what my dreams are made of. If only the GameBoy Advanced version had lived up...

5. WWE Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain

I had a lot of WWE video games in the day but this one was by far the best. Yeah, yeah, yeah, WWE wrestlers are drug addicts and murder-suicide-commiters and it's all fake and yada yada yada, but this game was my childhood and I wouldn't have it any other way.

PLUS: John Cena has granted more Make-A-Wishes than any other human so BEAT THAT.

I hope you've enjoyed my walk down memory lane as much as I did.


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