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Women are my heroes and so is Sterling K Brown

Last night was the Golden Globes. You probably knew that because Oprah has probably been taking over every inch of each of your timelines today--and rightfully so. Her speech was amazing.

Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman had lovely speeches, too. Amy Poehler killed her joke during Seth Meyer's open. Natalie Portman made a snide remark about every nominee in the best director category being a man. Barbra Streisand slammed the Globes for the lack of women in the best director category, too.

Many stars brought powerful activists as their dates. Everyone was in all black for Time's Up. All in all it was just a good night for women. Women are my heroes. Naturally, I thought about writing a post about how amazing those women are, but ultimately decided with everything that went down last night it would be hard to narrow down all of my thoughts about the beauty of two x chromosomes.

So, I decided to narrow my scope to another hero: Sterling K Brown.

He was the first black man in the history of the Golden Globes to win best performance in a tv drama. And while he wasn't the only man who spoke--whether on the red carpet, social media, or in their acceptance speeches--about the necessity for equality, his speech stood out.

I mean, for real if one person had narrate my life for the next 100 years, I would choose him hands down. Just listen to his beautiful voice:

So, in honor of Sterling K Brown's amazing speech, as well as the fact that This is Us is returning tomorrow (!!!!!), here's my top 5 (adult) Randall Pearson moments:

1: Your Friendly Neighborhood Black Man

This comes number one because this is the episode that I really fell in love with Randall. He's amazing. And when his nosey white neighbors call security on William, he has this perfect response:

(Seriously. Rewatch this episode (S1E4. It's amazing.)

2: Big House, Fancy Car

Beth and Randall becoming foster parents in season 2 created so many wonderful moments. Deja is such a dynamic character and Randall's "big house, fancy car" line was one of my favorites. The goodbye had me in more tears than Niagara Falls

3: The Breakdown

I didn't like to see this. It was sad and awful and heartbreaking. But this was a turning point for Randall. He was low but rose oh so high. (Plus I'm a sucker for Randall/Kevin moments.)

4: Literally Every Randall and Beth Moment

Randall and Beth are just goals. I can't put into words how much I want to be them. They compliment each other in every way. Their love is as unwavering for each other as mine is for them.

5: His Roadtrip with William

The roadtrip. Oh, the roadtrip. The roadtrip episode was a doozy. Haley and I went through an entire box of Kleenex that night. And while generally I like Randall's upbeat scenes because his dorky, adorable smile lights up the darkest of caves, the scene when William died, and Randall grabbed his face and told him it was going to be okay.........

There are no words for the heartbreak.

And on that happy note: have a great night, friends.


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