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Junior Year Recap

Sometimes I feel as if I am crazy. While I know that is not true, and most of the time I have my life somewhat together, there is one thing I know without a doubt to be true: college is indeed crazy. Here's a few updates from my year!

-I was fortunate enough to go to the Associated College Press conference last fall, where I got to tour the white house, listen to keynote speaker Bob Woodward, and skype with Edward Snowden.

Which leads me to my next fun fact: When the revival of Gilmore Girls--A Year in the Life-- was released Tonya and I had no WiFi, so we watched the entire six hours together on her phone screen. Watching Rory's progression as a journalism student through high school and college, and then through the work force in the revival, has given me many tips on both what to do and not to do as a journalist!

-Some of my other favorite things I got to do include going to concerts--specifically a Weezer and Panic! at the Disco, hiking around Mount Hood in Oregon, spending time at the lake, and hanging out with my dog, Sugar, and cat, Oreo!

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