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A definitive ranking of every major Private Practice doctor

Over interim I watched Private Practice. It was good. Really good. And while it couldn't live up to the impossible standard of Grey's Anatomy, it is definitely worth watching. And probably rewatching at some point.

One of my favorite parts of PP is that it really does focus on the characters. Even more so than Grey's, I would argue, in Private Practice we see how the doctors interact with each other and how the things that the patients are going through some how mirror what the doctors are dealing with in their personal lives.

The cross over episodes near the beginning kept your interest while you were falling in love with the characters--which was pretty dang easy. That being said, I definitely had some favorite and least favorite characters:

10: Naomi Bennett

Like I said, I found it pretty dang easy to fall in love with the cast of PP--at least the majority of the cast. Naomi Bennett was quite as easy to love as the rest. While I do think she has some great qualities and there are certain aspects of her relationships with Sam and Addison that I like, I think she is generally only concerned for herself and whines a lot. I did, however, completely connect with her when she stress-shoved chocolates into her mouth.

9: Sheldon Wallace

Sheldon's friendship with Amelia was my favorite part of his story line. He is dedicated to the people he loves but, while I find that quality admiring, he is a pretty boring character in the grand scheme of things. When he was first introduced, I assumed his part would be small and infrequent, but he continued to be a pretty common character throughout the show. In the grand scheme of things, he was a nice guy but somebody I would not mention if describing the plot of the show to a friend.

8: Violet Turner

Violet is where it starts to get more difficult in ranking people towards the bottom of the list. I didn't feel bad about putting Naomi and Sheldon at the bottom, but when I got to number 7 and choose Violet I felt a little guilty. You see, I like her. I just don't like her as much as most of the other characters. That being said, she has been through a tremendous amount of shit and still manages to be a positive force in other people's lives which I respect a lot. She also is a good mother to Lucas once she is able to be, and I thought the idea of her writing a book called Private Practice was the perfect end to the show.

7: Sam Bennett

Sam seems to genuinely just be a good guy. Plus he was part of this iconic pilot episode start. I still definitely have mixed feelings about him and Addison; when they were together, part of me wanted them to work it out, but ultimately their back and fourth and inability to commit to each other got old real quick. I wish he would have worked it out with Stephanie, though, because the fact that he married Naomi for the second time when she was pregnant with his accidental child makes me want to scream that he was such a baby about Addison wanting a baby.

6: Pete Wilder

I'm a big fan of Pete. His interaction with Addison in the first cross-over episode during Grey's Anatomy is one of the things that made me want to start watching Private Practice. He is such a good dad to Lucas, and I will always have a soft spot for the time he spent with Addison before Violet came back. While he occasionally gets a little angry, when he loves he loves so passionately. When he died it hit me... hard.

5: Amelia Shepherd

If Pete was one reason I wanted to watch PP, Amelia was the other. I loved her when I watched Grey's, so I wanted to see more of the backstory that I had heard bits and pieces of. She is so incredibly strong even after all of the horrible, terrible things she's gone through. Her conversation with James when she finds out he's conservative is hands down my favorite scene in the entire series.

4: Jake Reilly

Because I follow so many people on social media who are Shondaland fans, I knew Addison ended up with Jake before he was even introduced on the show. And I am a little embarrassed to say that I was skeptical. I'm not sure who I wanted Addison to end up with, but I was pretty sure it was supposed to be someone I already knew and loved. It took very little time to get to know and live Jake Reilly. His love for Addison, and for Henry, is such a wonderful thing and boy does he know how to give a girl a speech about how much of a man he is.

3: Addison Forbes Montgomery

Okay. Here's the thing. I love Addison. I love Addison as a BADASS, TOP-OF-THE-LINE, DOUBLE BOARD CERTIFIED OB/GYN NEONATAL SURGEON. I love Addison as a mom to Henry. I love Addison as the leader of Seaside Wellness. I love Addison as a sister to Amelia. I love Addison when she doesn't even love herself. But even though I love her, and she's obviously the main focus of PP, she isn't my favorite... and that my friends, is because CharCoop is life.

2: Cooper Freedman

What isn't there to love about Cooper? He is funny and he is sassy and he is sensitive. He loves his woman SO MUCH and even though they both screw up they find a way to make it work. He steps up when he needs to step up and he does it with a smile on his face. His joy for the Cooplets is one of the most precious things that has ever been documented on television and the way he understands Charlotte so thoroughly it sometimes makes me cry just thinking about it.

1: Charlotte King

If you had told me during the first episode of Private Practice that I was going to love Charlotte King as much as I do I would have told you that you were crazy. But boy does she grow on you. She is so strong in everything that she does and is so true to herself. Her love for Cooper and Mason and the Cooplets is so unexpected and makes complete sense all at the same time. She does what she wants when she wants and she doesn't take anything from anybody. 10/10 would be Charlotte King if I could.

What a team.


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