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The More You Know

When I started my internship with 5j Marketing and Design I was excited. Excited because I knew I would be able to meet the requirement that all Augie journalism majors must complete an internship in order to graduate. Excited because the people who interviewed me seemed like the were going to be super fun to work with (spoiler: they were). I was excited to further my education and learn new things.

And learn new things I did.

While I spent time learning more about marketing and putting my writing skills to use, I also did a lot of research. 5j has four clients who they blog for: a trucking company, a chiropractor, a hog barn design company, and a plow blade company.

Before last summer it was pretty safe to say that I knew little to nothing about those four industries; now, however, I find myself randomly finding ways to add the fact that a boar needs to be castrated before he is 14 days old so that the meat isn't tainted into conversation and diagnosing my friends with sciatica when their backs hurt.

What we do at 5j is called inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is not about cold calls or billboards, but rather about educating people about your product so that they can make the best choice for themselves. Because of that, I get to write a very wide variety of blogs; some of those blogs with the purpose of educating on the actual product sold or service the companies perform, while some have the purpose of simply drawing the customer onto the website in hopes that they might click around to find out more.

While you're all used to me blogging about my favorite boybands and television dramas, I thought it might be fun to show some of the other things I write about. One of my favorite clients to work with is New Standard--the hog barn design company. I get to write on a wide variety of things for them, from what supplies work best for pigs, to the evolution of pig care, to recipes that contain pig products. Here are some of my favorites:

(Ironically written by yours truly who has never worked in a swine barn.)


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